
Oameni și Locuri

marți, 12 februarie 2019

Naționalismul cușer

Cartea lui Yoram Hazony, The Virtue of Nationalism a fost declarată de Intercollegiate Studies Institute „cartea conservatoare a anului” ( Lucrarea a fost recomandată și pe site-ul Cuvântul Ortodox ( În schimb, conservatorii cu imaginație par să nu le împărtășească entuziasmul:

Dr. Hazony traces the false charge that nationalism means hatred for outsiders to biased imperialists under the influence of Christianity, who were «prolific in the hatred they inspired in their adherents», particularly «hatred of Jews.» Only after Christians began reading the Hebrew Bible recently has this moderated somewhat. The underlying flaw in Western civilization is its Christian universalism, which is the inspiration for internationalism. Even liberalism and Kantianism were secular version of Christianity’s universalism, including Protestantism’s. Indeed, it was Dr. Hazony’s favorite in the Thirty Years’ War, the liberal Protestant Netherlands, that so embraced the E.U. Even English Calvinism failed until Brexit. The U.S. was lost to internationalism until Donald Trump. Only Israel was consistently nationalist.
[...] The universalist ideologies today threatening the modern world are listed by the author as «Christianity, Islam, liberalism, Marxism and Nazism», in that order, several times. What is left in Dr. Hazony’s world with two of these passé and the others excluded as universalist – constituting at least two-thirds of the world – and probably more? The Tablet’s David Goodman can only explain this by arguing that Dr. Hazony’s real purpose was simply to legitimize the current state of Israel and properly promote it as Isaiah’s «light unto the nations», a thesis Mr. Goodman thinks Dr. Hazony would like to «shout from the rooftops» but which he repressed at the cost of distorting history.
[...] Dr. Hazony does sometimes slip from his rigid dichotomy. While stressing the nationalism of Moses, he feels it necessary to concede that Abraham spoke of universalism – but did not support an empire – breaking the author’s own universalist dichotomy and the whole framework of the book, proving that the author is much superior to his restrictive apriorism.” (