
Oameni și Locuri

miercuri, 10 iunie 2015

„Vine ceasul şi acum este...”

 It don't take much, but you gotta have some
The old ways help the new ways come
Just leave a little extra for the next in line
They're gonna need a little water from another time

(John McCutcheon “Water from Another Time”)

Oare cât din profitul realizat din calamitarea României, din jefuirea apelor, munţilor şi pădurilor, din decopertarea solului, nu a fost donat pentru construcţii de biserici, pentru Catedrala Neamului? Câţi „investitori” în industria de exploatare a lemnului, câţi mari proprietari de pământ, patroni de cluburi de fotbal, de saloane de masaj erotic sau de cazinouri nu sunt ctitori de biserici? Câţi clerici, de la preoţi parohi la ierarhi, pot refuza asemenea oferte aparent de nerefuzat?
Sângele lui Hristos ne poate curăţa păcatele (dacă le lepădăm și-l urmăm), dar nu poate curăţa apele de cianuri. Sângele lui Hristos potoleşte setea doar dacă mai este apă bună în fântâni (cf. Ioan, capitolul 4).
Ultima picătură de ploaie din istorie va cădea în pustie.

New mown hay on a July morn
Grandkids running through the knee-high corn
Sunburned nose and a scabbed-up knee
From a rope on the white oak tree
Just another summer's day at Grandpa's farm
With Grandma's bucket hanging off my arm
You know, the old pump's rusty but it work fine
Primed with water from another time

It don't take much, but you gotta have some
The old ways help the new ways come
Just leave a little extra for the next in line
They're gonna need a little water from another time

Tattered quilt on the goose-down bed
"Every stitch tells a story," my Grandma said
Her mama's nightgown, her grandpa's pants
And the dress she wore to her high school dance
Now wrapped at night in its patchwork scenes
I waltz with Grandma in my dreams
My arms, my heart, my life entwined
With water from another time

It don't take much, but you gotta have some
The old ways help the new ways come
Just leave a little extra for the next in line
They're gonna need a little water from another time

Newborn cry in the morning air
The past & future are wedded there
This wellspring of my sons and daughters:
The bone and blood of living waters
And, though Grandpa's hand have gone to dust,
Like Grandma's pump: reduced to rust,
Their stories quench my soul and mind
Like water from another time

It don't take much, but you gotta have some
The old ways help the new ways come
Just leave a little extra for the next in line
They're gonna need a little water from another time

“Water from Another Time”, words and music by John McCutcheon. Din albumul “Water from Another Time: a Retrospective”, 1989.